WHEN YOU’RE SMILING 4/4 1…2…1234
G D7 G D7 G D7 G F#7
I saw a blind man, he was a kind man, helping a fel-low a-long
Bm F#+ Bm7 Bm6 E7b5 D D#dim Em7 A7 Am7 D7
One could not see, one could not walk, but they both were humming this song
G GMA7 E7 Am
When you’re smiling, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you.
Am AmM7 Am7 D7 D7#5 G
When you’re laughing, when you’re laughing, the sun comes shining through.
G7 C
But when you’re crying, you bring on the rain,
A7 D7
So stop your sighing, be happy again.
D7#5 G E7
Keep on smiling, ‘cause when you’re smiling
Am7 D7 G D7
The whole world smiles with you! (Coda-“The whole world smiles” X3)
G D7 G D7 G D7 G F#7
I used to worry, I used to hurry each time it started to rain
Bm F#+ Bm7 Bm6 E7b5 D D#dim Em7 A7 Am7 D7
Now I see light, learned wrong from right and you’ll ne - ver hear me com – plain
CHORUS (When you’re smiling….)