My Heart Turns to Dust

Ignitor 4 1 234 0
(Helmut) My world was very different yesterday How could I've known It would turn out this way? In some ways it's the same But now I hold the blame My heart just turns to dust I never knew that love could be so sweet The feeling in my heart Made me complete But now that all is lost Oh, how my stars were crossed My heart just turns to dust Nothing left in this world to love for me No angels descend from above for me My whole life was a lie My fate I can't deny My heart just turns to dust I know the end draws nigh I hope that you sleep well I, I won't say goodbye I'll just say farewell I, I can't even try Why, I can't even tell I, I won't say goodbye I'll just say farewell I've only wanted one thing in my life Avenge my parents and to end this strife And now the deed is done And I've lost everyone My heart just turns to dust The curtains close And the room grows so dim The shadows spread Across my heart within My story's over now The end, I dare avow My heart just turns to dust [Chorus]