Vodou život prekvitá

Hromovlad 3 0 190 0
ked v ohni leta prahne zem, hlboko je skryta zelen v smadnych korenoch a listie tazko dycha v ohni slnka deti kvetiny tela skrutene sta ruky starca v zlti odete len dazdom z nebies, vodou, zivot prekvita niet ziadnej inej moci co zelen prebudza len dazdom z nebies, vodou, zivot prekvita nic nenahradi dar, co z utrob vyviera vtedy ako vykupenie z palav muk je dazd ked z utrpenia zeme rozplacu sa nebesia volou bohov v bleskoch vytrestaju skupe mraky vrasky tvare zeme zmocia prudy ich krvi len dazdom z nebies, vodou, zivot prekvita niet ziadnej inej moci co zelen prebudza len dazdom z nebies, vodou, zivot prekvita nic nenahradi dar, co z utrob vyviera nezvratny kolobeh pocina rosou put, ked sa do hmly premeni v palavach zanecha zem, splynie s oblohou kym sa v dazdi navrati zivel mnohych tvari, vsemoznych zrodov z tisicok zriediel prameni nesputanou silou vsemocnych tokov zahubi no i pohladi Translation: Life is flowering through the Water when earth thrists in the fire of summer,hidden deeply greennes in thirsty roots and leaves breathe hard in the fire of sun,kvetina's children,twisted bodies like a oldman's hand ,wearing in yellow life can only flower through the heavenly rains,through the water, there's no other force than can awake the greennes, life can only flower through the heavenly rains,through the water, there's nothing like the gift,that rises from the vitals at the time rain is like a redemption from the fever, and the sky begins to weep with suffering of earth, mean clouds punish the will of gods in lightning and streams of their blood wet the wrinkles of earth life can only flower through the heavenly rains,through the water, there's no other force than can awake the greennes, life can only flower through the heavenly rains,through the water, there's nothing like the gift,that rises from the vitals the invariable round starts by moisture, jpurney,when it coverts into the fog, it leaves the earth in fever,joins the sky, till it returns in rains elements of many faces and all the possible genesis it rises from thousands of springs, by the wild power of almighty streams, it can both - destroy and stroke