One Stood At The Gates

Folkodia 7 0 182 0
Ragin fires sweep The corpses on the battlefield Arrows scream, an ebon swarm, The wall is breeched... Where all defenders lie dead Drowned in the blood of their dreams With broken swords still clasped In their frozen hands Where all hope is quenched And victory can never be When dragons fly in the air Covering the sun with their wings... Let it be known That then and for all time One stood at the gate Facing them all! When carnage reigned Within the dreaming city's walls One stood at the gate Proud, defiant to the foe! He stood all alone, Just a man and his sword He had lost all his hope So he was left with a thirst to kill! Let it be known That then and for all time One stood at the gate Facing them all! Lost was his fight, Last of a dying race A knight in a world Where chivalry is no more! The fire in his eyes Was the amber glow Of burning ideals, Of all that he held dear! Let it be known That then and for all time One stood at the gate Facing them all!