Adeek 3reft

Elissa 6 0 191 0
Adeek 3reft Ely makontesh 3ayza enak t3rafo Ely ba2alo kter f 2alby M7aero w m5aofo Mn kotr 7oby fek 5alas ana arbt akrahak 3ashan mosh 3arfa aktar mn ely 3amlto a3ml eh Msh bas 3eny w ro7y kol mafea bendahak Kol el2olob sem3tny w enta msh sam3ny leh Delwa2ty 3reft maly w ad eh ba2ale 3aesha f 7obak lwa7de w leh daeman f 7aly Mn kotr 7oby fek 5alas ana arbt akrahak 3ashan mosh 3arfa aktar mn ely 3amlto a3ml eh Msh bas 3eny w ro7y kol mafea bendahak Kol el2olob sem3tny w enta msh sam3ny leh Now you know The stuff that I didn't want to know Whom how stay in my heart scaring him Loved you so much I started to hate you Because I don't know what you did Not just me eyes or my soul is calling you It's everything all the hearts heard me but You didn't hear me Now you know what's wrong with me Now you know how long I’m living with your love alone Loved you so much I started to hate you Because I don't know what you did Not just me eyes or my soul is calling you It's everything all the hearts heard me but You didn't hear me