Pawning the Sanctuary

Diskreet 8 0 273 0
Spawn a demon beast of baby's breath Corrupting all that you know Pawn the last of what they had of wealth Spreading your body compost across the weeds Grow with fury, turns into life Made to believe, no sign of day You had eyes for the world, but I ripped them out of your skull The land swept clean Nowhere to turn, so conform to negation Obscenity's creation This is just an eclipse for a nocturnal race Hold tight to your weapons You've made it another night Don't rest to long, for the morning we fight Skin against steel One fort not to be broken You must face, face this reality You must face, face this broken existence I am no part of you, my life is done Now settle as one Spawning a beast With the hands of desolation Pulling out teeth, with minds of frustration