Aarons Sons

Blinded Colony 5 0 176 0
The perfect God makes perfect laws to fit his perfect creation; the man Apparently not He died for your sins, he died so you may sin Murder ends with murder ends with murder Reputations like the mirror blinding you We all know the sun of the whispering game; A twisted message Trust in him and you may kill He'll kiss you as blood is spilled Burnt Leviticus with his sinful deeds He must be no more "Aarons sons Nadab and Abihu took their censers, Put fire in them and added incense; And they offered unautherized fire before the lord Contrary to his command So fire came out from the presence of [God] and Consumed them, and they died before the lord" (leviticus 10:1-2) Trust in him and you may kill He'll kiss you as blood is spilled Burnt Leviticus with his sinful deeds He must be no more Face the sinner you justify Another servant of Satan, of course, he died Which God regrets? Not the perfect one Reputations like the mirror blinding you We all know the sun of the whispering game; A twisted message Trust in him and you may kill He'll kiss you as blood is spilled Burnt Leviticus with his sinful deeds He must be no more