Words Of The Dying Man

Alabama Thunderpussy 6 1 157 0
Got to change, This life's a ball You might just get what your askin for I said before that I spoke the truth I thank you for your paper trail of proof Time will reveal how the righteous wrong! How they conceal with a forked tongue Cherish the words of the dying man Ahhhhhhh! Them fools compromise themselves Greener grass so unearth the hells Happiness is not a pill When damage is done, you should not grieve The door his ya ass when you leave Time will reveal how the righteous wrong! How they conceal with a forked tongue Cherish the words of the dying man Ahhhhhhh! Them fools compromise themselves! And you know just whne you've hit the bottom when the children forget your name Got to change for what's in store God knows we all are deserving more I said before that I spoke the truth I thank you for your paper trail of proof! Time will reveal how the righteous wrong! How they conceal with a forked tongue Cherish the words of the dying man Ahhhhhhh! Them fools compromise themselves