
Alabama Thunderpussy 5 1 188 0
Through the years of chasing dreams Steady moving onward in our 350 Still broke as hell but enjoying the routine Sure a couple of faces changed Must have been for the best 'cause I can't complain When everyone's still giving 100% Our times together get better as we see the world through glass and mirrors Seems like when we're on the road the troubles back home disappear 6 in all ready to brawl for a sleazy motel bed If we can't have that a friend's floor is fine We just need a few hours of rest Could you help us with that? Early morning wake with a band mates shake Half asleep beside another's feet The daylong drive to a nightclub dive Repeating the process tomorrow and the night after several weeks straight Now everyone's been sick at least once or twice My pleasant queen-size sure sounds nice After a month of drunken humor our jokes get old like our wardrobes And we're ready to make our way back to the southern border