A Prayer To Afflict The Comfortable (If Hope Dies)

It's so much easier to avert our eyes
From all the suffering and injustices
That permeate our lives
To be in the midst of sickness and pain
And always keep our eyes fixed ahead
Can only be explained away by killing
Your conscience
Because we all know that what we can't see is of no consequence

There is some truth to the doctrine
That ignorance is no excuse 
By knowing nothing you are a silent partner in their abuse

So just close your eyes, so you don't have to see suffering 
Out of sight is more action out of mind

Knowing what I know about man's inhumanity to man
I could only hate myself
If I left these words unsaid
Don't be paralyzed by your partnership in these crimes
We have the chance to redeem ourselves for those who've died

To ignore all the signs that man is so unkind
And partake in this culture of death makes all who don't acknowledge
Just as guilty

There's still so much to fight for
Even though this world seems rotten to it's core
I know that life can spring anew from it's remains
It's worth all we can do to see it through
To better days