Art Bleeds

Gory Blister

Life is
 A luminous halo
 A shower of atoms'

 'Works of art are made
 Of endless loneliness
 It's only lave who can grasp and cherish them
 Time is not a measure here
 To be an artist means to grow like a patient tree
 Trustfully resisting to the strongest spring winds
 Without fearing that summer will not come
 Cause summer will!'

 'When my disheartened soul roams inside
 To catch an emotion death and life collide
 And like moths attracted by a shining light that leads
 The cells of heart set forth and so... so it bleeds!

 'An everbleeding wound
 A wound is art
 And art forever bleeds'

 'Timeless moments slaying death'

 'Enchantments of the heart'

 'Life is a heap
 Of meaningless ironic ruins
 Death the final montage through which
 Our life can express ourselves
 Life ends where it begins
 The artist is a trembling idiot'

 'When my disheartened soul roams inside
 To catch an emotion death and life collide
 And like moths attracted by a shining light that leads
 The cells of heart set forth and so... so it bleeds!

 An everbleeding wound
 A wound is art
 And art forever bleeds'

 'I want to be a poet
 And i'm making myself voyant...'
