Journey To Hell

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Come enter the dominion of Niflheim A wasteland so gloomy and cold Inhale the mist and steam of death The Day of Judgment is soon to appear The march along the Shore of Corpses Suffer the serpent Nighogs fury Fallen warriors will mark the way As twilight encircle these lifeless fields Pass through the town of Valgrind A black forest linger in the haze The storm of Hraesvelg raise hellish Gjallarbru now waits in the north Come forth to the domain of Helheim! Come forth to the throne of Hel! Cross the bridge of no return Fear the skulls and bones from below The flames of Munspelheim grow higher Garm and Modgud bid you welcome to Hel Sense the dark aura of Helheim's rage Lifeless souls are lurking in the fog Look upon the dim hall of Eljudnir The paths of Helvegr is onto an end Come forth to the domain of Helheim! Come forth to the throne of Hel! She rest there so silent and bleak A gruesome creature of hatred it is The night has come for you to be slain Her abhorrence will fulfill your nightmares.